blob: 4404e59cfbfad5ba09cfe945fdacbc3a1ec2ddc7 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {
} from '../types/common';
import {ParsedChangeInfo} from '../types/types';
import {
} from './account-util';
import {CommentThread, isMentionedThread, isUnresolved} from './comment-util';
import {hasOwnProperty} from './common-util';
import {getCodeReviewLabel} from './label-util';
export function canHaveAttention(account?: AccountInfo): boolean {
return !!account?._account_id && !isServiceUser(account);
export function hasAttention(
account?: AccountInfo,
change?: ChangeInfo | ParsedChangeInfo
): boolean {
return (
canHaveAttention(account) &&
!!change?.attention_set &&
hasOwnProperty(change?.attention_set, account!._account_id!)
export function getReason(
config?: ServerInfo,
account?: AccountInfo,
change?: ChangeInfo | ParsedChangeInfo
) {
if (!hasAttention(account, change)) return '';
if (change?.attention_set === undefined) return '';
if (account?._account_id === undefined) return '';
const attentionSetInfo = change.attention_set[account._account_id];
if (attentionSetInfo?.reason === undefined) return '';
return replaceTemplates(
attentionSetInfo?.reason_account ? [attentionSetInfo.reason_account] : [],
export function getMentionedReason(
threads: CommentThread[],
account?: AccountInfo,
mentionedAccount?: AccountInfo,
config?: ServerInfo
) {
const mentionedThreads = threads
.filter(t => isMentionedThread(t, mentionedAccount));
if (mentionedThreads.length > 0) {
return `${getAccountTemplate(account, config)} mentioned you in a comment`;
return getReplyByReason(account, config);
export function getAddedByReason(account?: AccountInfo, config?: ServerInfo) {
return `Added by ${getAccountTemplate(
)} using the hovercard menu`;
export function getRemovedByReason(account?: AccountInfo, config?: ServerInfo) {
return `Removed by ${getAccountTemplate(
)} using the hovercard menu`;
export function getReplyByReason(account?: AccountInfo, config?: ServerInfo) {
return `${getAccountTemplate(account, config)} replied on the change`;
export function getRemovedByIconClickReason(
account?: AccountInfo,
config?: ServerInfo
) {
return `Removed by ${getAccountTemplate(
)} by clicking the attention icon`;
export function getLastUpdate(account?: AccountInfo, change?: ChangeInfo) {
if (!hasAttention(account, change)) return '';
const entry = change!.attention_set![account!._account_id!];
return entry?.last_update ? entry.last_update : '';
* Sort order:
* 1. The user themselves
* 2. Users in the attention set first.
* 3. Human users first.
* 4. Users that have voted first in this order of vote values:
* -2, -1, +2, +1, 0 or no vote.
export function sortReviewers(
r1: AccountInfo,
r2: AccountInfo,
change?: ChangeInfo | ParsedChangeInfo,
selfAccount?: AccountInfo
) {
if (selfAccount) {
if (isSelf(r1, selfAccount)) return -1;
if (isSelf(r2, selfAccount)) return 1;
const a1 = hasAttention(r1, change) ? 1 : 0;
const a2 = hasAttention(r2, change) ? 1 : 0;
if (a2 - a1 !== 0) return a2 - a1;
const s1 = isServiceUser(r1) ? -1 : 0;
const s2 = isServiceUser(r2) ? -1 : 0;
if (s2 - s1 !== 0) return s2 - s1;
const crLabel = getCodeReviewLabel(change?.labels ?? {}) as DetailedLabelInfo;
let v1 =
crLabel?.all?.find(vote => vote._account_id === r1._account_id)?.value ?? 0;
let v2 =
crLabel?.all?.find(vote => vote._account_id === r2._account_id)?.value ?? 0;
// We want negative votes getting a higher score than positive votes, so
// we choose 10 as a random number that is higher than all positive votes that
// are in use, and then add the absolute value of the vote to that.
// So -2 becomes 12.
if (v1 < 0) v1 = 10 - v1;
if (v2 < 0) v2 = 10 - v2;
return v2 - v1;