Support a federated Prometheus setup

Gerrit instances that are loadbalanced cannot easily e scraped by
an external Prometheus, since the request won't end up at a specified
Gerrit instance. A typical setup to solve this issue, is to install a
local Prometheus and scrape the local Prometheus from the central
Prometheus. This is a so called federated setup.

Now such a setup is supported and can be configured.

Change-Id: I0119d3c1d846cd8e975e5732f4d59cf863c6d2b8
diff --git a/ b/
index bc99c97..26138b8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -163,6 +163,18 @@
 | `gerritServers.kubernetes.[*].username`      | Username of Gerrit user with 'View Metrics' capabilities |
 | `gerritServers.kubernetes.[*].password`      | Password of Gerrit user with 'View Metrics' capabilities |
+* Federated Prometheus \
+  Load balanced Gerrit instances can't be scraped through the load balancer. For
+  this use cases typically a local Prometheus is installed and then scraped by
+  the central Prometheus in a federated setup.
+| option                                           | description                                                   |
+| `gerritServers.federatedPrometheus.[*].host`     | Host running Gerrit and the Prometheus instance being scraped |
+| `gerritServers.federatedPrometheus.[*].port`     | Port used by Prometheus                                       |
+| `gerritServers.federatedPrometheus.[*].username` | Username for authenticating with Prometheus                   |
+| `gerritServers.federatedPrometheus.[*].password` | Password for authenticating with Prometheus                   |
 * Other \
   Gerrit installations with just one replica that can run anywhere, where they
   are reachable via HTTP.
diff --git a/charts/prometheus/configuration/prometheus.secret.yaml b/charts/prometheus/configuration/prometheus.secret.yaml
index 18ec751..c7bf023 100644
--- a/charts/prometheus/configuration/prometheus.secret.yaml
+++ b/charts/prometheus/configuration/prometheus.secret.yaml
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@
   #@ for gerrit in data.values.gerritServers.other:
   .pwd_(@= @): #@ base64.encode(gerrit.password)
   #@ end
+  #@yaml/text-templated-strings
+  #@ for prometheus in data.values.gerritServers.federatedPrometheus:
+  .pwd_(@= @): #@ base64.encode(prometheus.password)
+  #@ end
   #@ if not data.values.tls.skipVerify: #@ base64.encode(data.values.tls.caCert)
diff --git a/charts/prometheus/prometheus.yaml b/charts/prometheus/prometheus.yaml
index e7f4045..94250bb 100644
--- a/charts/prometheus/prometheus.yaml
+++ b/charts/prometheus/prometheus.yaml
@@ -1298,6 +1298,28 @@
         replacement: $1
         action: replace
     #@ end
+    #@ for prometheus in data.values.gerritServers.federatedPrometheus:
+    - job_name: #@ "gerrit-{}".format(
+      honor_labels: true
+      metrics_path: '/federate'
+      params:
+        'match[]':
+          - #@ '{{instance=~"{}.*"}}'.format(
+      scheme: https
+      tls_config:
+        insecure_skip_verify: #@ data.values.tls.skipVerify
+        #@ if not data.values.tls.skipVerify:
+        ca_file: /etc/secrets/
+        cert_file: /etc/secrets/server.crt
+        key_file: /etc/secrets/server.key
+        #@ end
+      static_configs:
+        - targets:
+          - #@ '{}:{}'.format(, prometheus.port)
+      basic_auth:
+        username: #@ prometheus.username
+        password_file: #@ "/etc/secrets/.pwd_{}".format(
+    #@ end
     #@ for gerrit in data.values.gerritServers.other:
     - job_name: #@ "gerrit-{}".format(
       metrics_path: /a/plugins/metrics-reporter-prometheus/metrics
diff --git a/config.yaml b/config.yaml
index a59baa5..9a30f15 100644
--- a/config.yaml
+++ b/config.yaml
@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@
     port: 8080
     username: admin
     password: secret
+  federatedPrometheus:
+  - host:
+    port: 9090
+    username: admin
+    password: secret
   - host:
     username: admin