Add empty required directories for Gerrit

Include in the packaging the empty directories
that are not anymore generated during setup
because of the removal of the automatic service

Change-Id: Ice3248fe35dd0ab90ffda9536115efeecbd2f967
diff --git a/fpm/Makefile b/fpm/Makefile
index 81a43a9..94f9236 100644
--- a/fpm/Makefile
+++ b/fpm/Makefile
@@ -67,6 +67,10 @@
 	mkdir -p $(BUILD_ROOT)/bin
 	mkdir -p $(BUILD_ROOT)/plugins
 	mkdir -p $(BUILD_ROOT)/lib
+	mkdir -p $(BUILD_ROOT)/cache
+	mkdir -p $(BUILD_ROOT)/db
+	mkdir -p $(BUILD_ROOT)/git
+	mkdir -p $(BUILD_ROOT)/index
 	cp -R $(CONFIGS) $(BUILD_ROOT)/etc
 	-groupadd $(GROUP)
 	$(eval GROUP_ID := $(shell /usr/bin/getent group $(GROUP) | cut -d ':' -f 3))