This holds scripts for spinning up extra workers for gerrit CI on GCE.

VMs should be created as:

  • named city-hackathon-40, city-hackathon-41, etc; the numbers should be free in the CI master

  • Machine: 24 CPUs/90G RAM.

  • Disk: RHEL 7 hardened image on 100G SSD Persistent Disk

  • SSH: add your personal key.

Here is a gcloud command:

gcloud compute instances create \
   --custom-cpu=24 \
   --custom-memory=90 \
   --image-project eip-images \
   --image-family rhel-7-drawfork \
   --boot-disk-size=100GB \
   --boot-disk-type=pd-ssd \
   --zone=us-east4-a \

Install your own key:

gcloud compute ssh city-hackathon-44 --command='echo KEY >> .ssh/authorized_keys'


  1. DEST=

  2. Transfer files.

    scp $HOME/.ssh/gerritforge/id_ecdsa ${DEST}:
    scp worker/* ${DEST}:
    ssh ${DEST} 'sudo sh -x $(pwd)/'