blob: 382629791ec20b4fe581c1ea475f8ebc8d18a1ad [file] [log] [blame]
{namespace buck.audit}
{template .soyweb}
{param title: 'buck audit' /}
{param content}
{call buck.command}
{param overview}
Provide build information about build targets and outputs.
<pre>buck audit input /&#x2F;java/com/example/app:amazing</pre>
Buck will print the paths to the sources for the given target.
{param params}
{call buck.param}
{param name: 'input <targets>' /}
{param desc}
Lists the input source and resource files used to build the
given targets.
{call buck.param}
{param name: 'classpath <targets>' /}
{param desc}
Lists the classpath used to build the given targets. This does
not work for all build rule types.
{/param} // content
{/call} //