blob: 1f07113df96962ce603de6c0a5c0b8de714d5ed6 [file] [log] [blame]
# This generates the static content for Buck's documentation.
# Usage:
# ./docs/ <output-dir>
# Caller must be sure that is already running.
# After running this script, you may want to run the following to
# share a preview of the docs internally:
# scp -r <output-dir>/* <hostname>:$/home/${USER}/public_html/buck
# Or if you do this frequently, you might want to use rsync instead of scp:
# rsync -az --delete <output-dir>/* <hostname>:/home/${USER}/public_html/buck
set -e
# Always run this script from the root of the Buck project directory.
cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
# The output directory should be the one and only argument.
# Run
cd docs
python $OUTPUT_DIR
cd -
# Generate javadoc and include it in the output directory.
ant javadoc
mkdir -p ${OUTPUT_DIR}/javadoc/
cp -r build/javadoc/* ${OUTPUT_DIR}/javadoc/