blob: 1b41559c50589ec35b476694313c1c1c3776d420 [file] [log] [blame]
; Indicates that any folder named src or test
; are folders that contain Java code.
src_roots = src, test
buck = //programs:buck
buck-android-support = //src/com/facebook/buck/android/support:buck-android-support
hmaptool = //src/com/facebook/buck/apple/clang:hmaptool
includes = //DEFS
; Directories that do not contain input files.
; All of these directories should also appear in the "ignore_dirs" list
; in .watchmanconfig, with the exception of ".git".
ignore = \
.git, \
.buckd, \
build, \
bin, \
src/com/facebook/buck/cli/quickstart, \
test/com/facebook/buck/android/testdata, \
test/com/facebook/buck/apple/testdata, \
test/com/facebook/buck/cli/testdata, \
test/com/facebook/buck/java/testdata, \
test/com/facebook/buck/java/intellij/testdata, \
test/com/facebook/buck/junit/testdata, \
test/com/facebook/buck/ocaml/testdata, \
test/com/facebook/buck/parser/testdata, \
test/com/facebook/buck/shell/testdata, \
test/com/facebook/buck/test/cache/testdata, \
test/com/facebook/buck/test/labels/testdata, \
test/com/facebook/buck/test/result/groups/testdata, \
test/com/facebook/buck/event/listener/integration/testdata, \
test/com/facebook/buck/thrift/testdata, \
test/com/facebook/buck/cxx/testdata, \
test/com/facebook/buck/python/testdata, \
; Common temp file patterns:
; .*\.swp$ (vim)
; ^#.*#$, .*~$ (emacs)
; .*___jb_bak___$, .*___jb_old___$ (intellij idea)
temp_files = \
.*\.swp$, \
^#.*#$, .*~$, \
.*___jb_bak___$, .*___jb_old___$,
; Maximum timeout of 1 minute per test.
timeout = 60000