class: center, middle name: title

Building Android at Ludicrous Speed

Buck logo


As we all know, developing software is an iterative process. You write code, you run it to see what it does, and then you try again. If you have done any frontend web development, you have probably had the luxury of sub-second edit/refresh cycles that let you make progress on your webapp very quickly. Unfortunately, as Android developers, we aren't quite as lucky. Even a small change to a small app can take 20 seconds to build and run using the standard Android build tools.

Fortunately, there is an alternative. My name is Michael, this is my colleague David, and we're here from Facebook to to show you how build Android apps at ludicrous speed using our open source build tool, Buck.

And I do mean “show you,” so let's start out with a demo.

name: demo

DEMO: Show me Ludicrous Speed!

.center[Spaceballs ludicrous speed scene]


What you‘re about to see is an incremental build of Facebook Messenger. Messenger is over 250,000 lines of Java code, so it’s a pretty big app. Let's watch as we change the text of a Toast message and rebuild Messenger to test it out in the emulator.

class: center, middle


Did you see that? It took 7 seconds to rebuild, reinstall, and restart Messenger! I don‘t know what sort of incremental build times you are seeing for your 250,000 line apps, but I’m pretty sure they are nowhere close to 7 seconds (unless you're using Buck, of course).

OK, let's dive in to how building in Android works under the covers.

class: top, center

Typical dependency graph

.center[dependency graph]


Traditionally, an Android app is organized as a graph of dependencies like the one shown in the diagram:

  • The blue boxes represent Android resources, like the contents of a res/ directory.
  • The green boxes represent Java code.
  • The red box represents the final packaged app itself.

class: top

Typical build: Done in stages

.center[dependency graph]


OK, so how does building work in systems like Ant or Gradle? Well, it is done in stages, so let's rearrange the nodes in our graph to make things easier to follow.

class: top

Typical build: Create

.center[dependency graph]


The first thing that happens is we find all of the resource directories in the application and use aapt to glob them together to create two files: a resources.apk, which is a binary file that contains all of the resources, and an file that serves as an index into the apk.

class: top

Typical build: Compile some Java

.center[dependency graph]


Once we have an file, we can start compiling the Java code that depends on resources.

class: top

Typical build: Compile more Java

.center[dependency graph]


And then we can start building the next set of Java code.

class: top

Typical build: Create classes.dex

.center[dependency graph]


Once all of the Java code is compiled, we use dx to convert all of the Oracle bytecode to Dalvik bytecode and store it in a large classes.dex file.

class: top

Typical build: Create APK

.center[dependency graph]


Now that we have the classes.dex and resources.apk, we can package everything together into the final APK, which requires signing and zipping those artifacts.

Here are some important things to note about this dependency graph:

  • Compiling any Java code is gated by the generation of This is particularly bad because generating is slow.
  • If any android_resource changes, we have to rebuild everything.
  • Regenerating classes.dex is proportional to the size of the app rather than the size of the Java code that changed.

name: about-buck

About Buck

  • Android build tool


Now enter Buck, our Android build tool.

name: about-buck-2

  • Provides fast incremental builds


As you saw in the demo, it is really, really fast.

name: about-buck-3

  • Encourages small, reusable modules


It also encourages the use of small, reusable modules. At Facebook, basically every Java package is in its own module, and all of this code lives in one folder named java/ where the directory names follow the package names, as you would expect in any Java project. We don't have multiple source folders of Java code, which makes it easier to find things in a large repo.

It also makes it easier to share code across Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram, whose code all lives together in that java/ folder that I mentioned.

This use of small modules helps improve code hygiene as well as build times, as we will see.

Build Rule

  • Built-in procedure to produce an artifact


The primary concept to get familiar with in Buck is a build rule, which is a procedure that produces an artifact.

  • Examples:
    • android_resource produces R.txt
    • android_library produces .jar
    • android_binary produces .apk


Buck has build rules for producing R.txt, .jar, and .apk files, among others. We will focus on these three for this talk.

  • Groups related files together: defines a module


The input files for a build rule along with its output file define a reusable module in the build system.

  • Rules can declare other rules as dependencies


If a rule needs the output of another rule as an input, then the producing rule becomes a dependency of the consuming rule.

  • Forms a graph
    • Build rules are nodes
    • Dependencies are edges
    • Cycles allowed! (*under certain conditions)


Dividing the traditional Android Library project into android_resource and android_library rules was a key insight. This eliminates a lot of boilerplate.

Most android_resource rules do not depend on Java code, so they either have no dependencies, or dependencies that are only other android_resource rules. The only item of interest in the AndroidManifest.xml is the package. In BUCK, the package can be specified as an argument to android_resource instead of requiring the creation of a boilerplate AndroidManifest.xml file.

Many android_library rules are just code that are business logic with no dependency on [UI] resources. There is no reason to require an android_library to have a res or assets directory. An AndroidManifest.xml is only necessary to declare the following requirements (or outputs) of the library:

  • <activity>
  • <broadcast-receiver>
  • <content-provider>
  • <permission>

class: top, center

Back to our dependency graph

dependency graph


Now let's explore how we would describe our original dependency graph in terms of Buck build rules.

Build android_resource

  name = 'newsfeed-res',
  package = 'com.facebook',
  res = 'my-res-dir',
  deps = [


First, we have an android_resource rule.

Like all build rules in Buck, it has a name that is used to identify it.

In this case, we explicitly define the package for the R class that should be generated as a result of this rule.

We also specify the path to the resources directory. Normally, this is just res, but in this case we specify the nonstandard my-res-dir just to demonstrate that we are not restricted to the default package layout for an Android library project.

Finally, we declare some dependencies, or deps, of our android_resource rule. This is necessary when resources in the current res directory have references to resources from other android_resource rules.

It may also list an android_library in its deps if the android_library defines a Java class that is referenced in one of the layouts in the res directory. Although the android_library need not be built in order for the android_resource to produce its R.txt file, the .jar from the android_library must be included in any .apk that includes the resources from the android_resource rule.

class: top, center

R.txt for each android_resource()

dependency graph


The output for each android_resource rule will be an R.txt file that lists the resources found in its res directory.

name: r-txt

What does an R.txt file look like?

int anim fade_in_seq 0x7f04000b
int attr actionBarSize 0x7f0100af
int color fbui_bg_dark 0x7f060071
int dimen title_bar_height 0x7f07000f
int drawable map_placeholder 0x7f0204ca
int id embeddable_map_frame 0x7f0a00e8
int layout splash_screen 0x7f030172
int string add_members_button_text 0x7f0900f8
int[] styleable ThreadTitleView { 0x7f01018a }


An R.txt file looks like this.

Each line corresponds to a field that would be included in an file. The R.txt file is more convenient to work with because it is easier to parse.

Build android_library()

  name = 'newsfeed',
  srcs = glob(['*.java']),
  deps = [


An android_library rule is built as follows:

  • For each android_resource in deps:
    • Add its R.txt to a set.
    • Add its package to a set.
  • Merge all of the entries from all of the R.txt files into a single R.txt.
  • Parse the new R.txt to generate an for each package with non-final fields.
  • Compile each file and include the resulting R.class on the classpath.
  • For each android_library in deps, include its artifact JAR on the classpath.
  • Compile the srcs against the classpath to generate a JAR.

class: top, center for each set of R.txt

dependency graph


Let's take a look at how this affects our dependency graph.

One significant difference between Buck and Ant is that if an .xml file that corresponds to an android_resource rule changes such that the resulting R.txt file is unaffected (like when changing a hardcoded dp value in a layout), neither the resulting file nor the android_library that depends on it need to be rebuilt. This avoids a lot of unnecessary building when tweaking layouts.

Another interesting trick is how this is used to break cyclic android_resource/android_library dependencies. Specifically, the android_library is only concerned about the file that is produced from the union of its dependent android_resource rules. The relationship between the android_resource and android_library is retained for the purpose of packaging dependencies into an .apk, but there is no longer a circular build dependency.

class: top, center

JAR for each android_library()

dependency graph


The output .jar file for an android_library rule contains only the .class files for its srcs. It does not contain the R.class files for the files it depended on.

class: top, center

DEX for each android_library()

dependency graph


A .dex file is created for each .jar file. We use a fork of the standard dx executable that we run in-process. As dx is implemented in Java, we eliminate the start-up overhead of a new JVM and benefit from JIT optimizations by reusing it. This speeds up dx considerably, which was originally a hotspot in Android build times when we started working on Buck.

Build android_binary()

  name = 'fb4a',
  manifest = 'AndroidManifest.xml',
  deps = [


An android_binary rule is used to put everything together and create an .apk. Although an android_binary may appear to have few deps, it packages its transitive deps, so the true extent of its dependencies may be larger than it appears.

class: top, center

Remember our graph

dependency graph


Let's see how android_binary combines everything together.

class: top, center

Create resources.apk and

dependency graph


First, it creates a resources.apk and an file as a function of all of the android_resource rules in its transitive deps. (Note that there could be multiple files if not all of the package arguments for each android_resource rule is the same.) As is the case in Ant/Gradle, this step can be very slow.

class: top, center

Recall .dex for each android_library()

dependency graph


In order to perform the next major build step, all of the .dex files from the transitive android_library deps must have been generated.

class: top, center

Dex and combine to create classes.dex

dependency graph


Next, the file(s) from the previous step are compiled and dx'd. Once that is done and all of the .dex files from the transitive android_library deps are available, they are merged into a single classes.dex file.

Once again, we use a fork of dx to do this rather than the standard version of dx that comes with the Android SDK. This is significant because the standard version of dx is O(N2 lg N) in building (where N is the number of .dex files) whereas our fork of dx is O(N lg N). This is a significant performance improvement in creating classes.dex.

class: top, center

Create APK

dependency graph


Now that resources.apk and classes.dex have been produced, they can be combined to create the final .apk.

class: top, center

Efficient Parallelization

chrome trace


Two notable advantages to the Buck build:

  • The expensive aapt_package step to generate the main file is done in parallel with the Java compilation.
  • The dx merge step to generate the classes.dex is much more efficient than dexing all of the JAR files at the end.

Cache avoids rebuilding

We compute a cache key for each build rule:

  • Id //res/com/facebook/story:res


Buck has extremely fast incremental builds because it is smart (and sound) about how it caches artifacts from previous builds. The output for each build rule is associated with a cache key. The cache key is a SHA-1 has that is a function of the following information:

  • The id of the build rule, which is a combination of its name and the relative path from the project root to the build file that defines the rule. (This is referred to as a build target in Buck. You have seen these used to identify other build rules via the deps argument.)

  • Type android_resource


  • The type of the build rule: android_resource, android_library, or android_binary.

  • Arguments package = 'com.facebook'


  • The values of the arguments passed to the build rule. (These were present in the definition of the build rule.)

  • Contents of input files (SHA-1 of values/strings.xml)


  • The contents of any input files for the build rule. Buck knows which arguments of a build rule correspond to input files (such as the srcs of an android_library rule), so this also comes from the build rule definition. It is important that Buck relies on file contents rather than last-modified time to ensure that builds are sound.

  • Version of Buck


  • The version of Buck used to do the build. This means that when a new version of Buck is used for the build, none of the new cache keys will match the old cache keys.

  • Cache key of dependent rules (the deps)


  • The cache keys of all of the deps also contribute to the rule's own cache key. This means that any change in its transitive deps will cause a change in its own cache key.

Cache key maps to the zip of files generated by the rule.


Because some build rules may generate some additional files not mentioned here, each cache key maps to a zip of the files produced by the build rule.

This happens for developers doing local builds and on our CI system.

Building a build rule


Let's walk through how a build rule is built in Buck.

  • Cache key is calculated before anything is built


Note that the cache key for a build rule can be calculated before anything is built: it is a function of build rule definitions, file contents, and the version of Buck.

  • Buck checks its local directory cache


Therefore, Buck starts building a rule by computing its cache key. Once computed, it checks its local directory cache to see if there is a hit. If so, it unzips the corresponding zip file over the project directory and marks the rule as built.

  • Buck checks the CI build's cache


If there is no hit in the local cache, then it tries to do an equivalent fetch from the remote cache, which is colocated with the continuous integration (CI) cluster that is used to populate it. (Builds done in CI are allowed to populate the remote cache whereas local builds are not.)

  • Otherwise, it builds locally


If Buck fails to get a hit from either cache, it builds the rule locally and stores the result in its local cache. (Note that the size of the local cache can be configured so that your disk is not overrun with Buck artifacts. When a limit is enforced, it behaves as an LRU cache.)

.serious-business[Rebuilding a branch is pulled entirely from cache!]


One important benefit from this caching system is that doing a build after switching branches is nearly instantaneous because everything should be pulled from local cache! That is, assuming you did a build on that branch before switching away from it, all of the state that Buck cares about should be restored when you switch back, so all of the cache keys should line up and everything will be pulled from cache when you build.

.serious-business[Clean checkout builds are pulled entirely from cache!]


Similarly, if you use a CI system to populate a remote cache and build off of a revision that has already been built by CI, then a local clean build should be able to pull all of its artifacts from its remote cache. For large Android apps that have painfully slow clean builds, this is a tremendous win.


.center[ abi dependencies ]


public class UI {
  int priority = 5;

  public void onClick() {
    Logger.log(priority, "Clicked.");
public class Logger {
  void log(int pri, String msg) {
    Disk.write(">" + pri + " " + msg);


public class UI {
  int priority = 5;

  public void onClick() {
    Logger.log(priority, "Clicked.");
public class Logger {
  void log(int pri, String msg) {
    Disk.write(/* ">" */ ">>>" + pri + " " + msg);


.center[ abi method body ]


public class UI {
  int priority = 5;

  public void onClick() {
    Logger.log(priority, "Clicked.");
public class Logger {
  void log(int pri, String msg) {
    Disk.write(">" + pri + " " + msg);


public class UI {
  int priority = 5;

  public void onClick() {
    Logger.log(priority, "Clicked.");
public class Logger {
  void log(/* int */ Integer pri, String msg) {
    Disk.write(">" + pri + " " + msg);


.center[ abi method signature ]


public class UI {
  int priority = 5;

  public void onClick() {
    Logger.log(priority, "Clicked.");
public class Logger {
  void log(int pri, String msg) {
    Disk.write(">" + pri + " " + msg);


public class UI {
  int priority = 5;

  public void onClick() {
    Logger.log(priority, "Clicked.");
public class Logger {
  void log(int pri, String msg) {
    Disk.write(">" + pri + " " + msg);
  void log(String msg) {...}  // new


.center[ abi new method ]

dx improvements

  • Forked dx

  • Merge is O(N lg N), not O(N ^ 2)


This is a big difference.

Instagram merge went from ~11s to ~2.5s

  • Verified was safe to run in-process
  • Made it safe to run concurrently in-process

  • Get a lot of help from the hotspot JIT


~2.5x-40x improvement

ApkBuilder and Installation



  • Assembles assets, dex, and native libraries into APK
  • >7 seconds for large apps ]

.right-column[ apkbuilder ]


Gradle calls this “packageDebug”

Even slower with ant due to separate signing step

ApkBuilder and Installation



  • Assembles assets, dex, and native libraries into APK
  • >7 seconds for large apps


  • ADB protcol maxes out around 5-6 MB/s
  • PackageManager does a lot of work
  • 2-45 seconds, depending on size and emulator/device ]

.right-column[ apkbuilder and installation ]

Digression: Split-dex support

split dex

Exopackage: before

split dex

Exopackage: dex side-loading

split dex


Debug only

Exopackage: skip work


  • Only necessary if assets, native code, or bootstrap code change


  • Only install changed files
  • Skip PackageManager for Java-only changes
  • Bigger effect with ART

Exopackage: skip work

split dex

Exopackage: skip work

split dex

Exopackage: skip work

split dex

Exopackage: skip work


  • Only necessary if assets, native code, or bootstrap code change


  • Only install changed files
  • Skip PackageManager for Java-only changes
  • Bigger effect with ART

The result

AntennaPod incremental build+install

  • Gradle: 20 seconds
  • Buck: 3.2 seconds

More details on Buck's website.

Exopackage in the future

  • Exopackage for native libraries and images.

  • Exopackage for xml layouts?

name: but-what-about

But what about...

  • assets


We have support for all of these things as part of Buck. We are happy to go into more detail in person.

name: but-what-about-2

  • NDK

name: but-what-about-3

  • ProGuard

name: but-what-about-4

  • Multiple packages

name: but-what-about-5

  • Keystores

name: but-what-about-6

  • Target SDK

name: but-what-about-7

  • Third-party JAR and AAR files

class: center

Is Buck stable?

scuba volume


We do a lot of builds with Buck.

This is a month's worth of our build counts. Note weekends.

The dotted line is CI builds on Linux.

Solid line is developer builds, mostly Mac.

We have many many developers using Buck, and they're very happy.

class: center

Data drives optimizations

scuba pie


We use real data from our developers to drive our optimizations.

Breakdown of waiting time by rule type.

We look at this a lot to drive optimizations.

Note that dex is relatively small due to in-process and parallelism.

Dummy is way too big. (We have since added an optimization to drive this close to zero.)

name: thank-you

Thank You


Buck is just one of the many interesting types of problems that we work on at Facebook, so if you‘re interested in learning more, or want help migrating your project from Gradle to Buck, we’ll be around for the rest of the conference, so please come and find us to chat!