blob: 8a83b63cf966bb7cf70f962443b05052791e2670 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012-present Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.facebook.buck.rules;
import com.facebook.buck.event.BuckEventBus;
import com.facebook.buck.step.Step;
import com.facebook.buck.step.StepFailedException;
import com.facebook.buck.step.StepRunner;
import com.facebook.buck.util.BuckConstant;
import com.facebook.buck.util.DirectoryTraverser;
import com.facebook.buck.util.DirectoryTraversers;
import com.facebook.buck.util.MoreFutures;
import com.facebook.buck.util.ProjectFilesystem;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Abstract implementation of a {@link BuildRule} that can be cached. If its current {@link RuleKey}
* matches the one on disk, then it has no work to do. It should also try to fetch its output from
* an {@link ArtifactCache} to avoid doing any computation.
* <p>
* TODO(mbolin, simons): This should be converted from an abstract class that relies on inheritance
* to a final class that takes an object that implements the following methods:
* <ul>
* <li>getInputsToCompareToOutput()
* <li>buildInternal()
* <li>appendToRuleKey()
* <li>recordOutputFileDetailsAfterFetchFromArtifactCache()
* </ul>
* Ultimately, we plan to define a BuildRuleDescriptor, from which we will at least be able to
* provide the implementation of getInputsToCompareToOutput() and appendToRuleKey() automatically.
* How we plan to generify the ABI logic is up in the air.
public abstract class AbstractCachingBuildRule extends AbstractBuildRule implements BuildRule {
* Lock used to ensure that the logic to kick off a build is performed at most once.
private final AtomicBoolean hasBuildStarted;
* This is the value returned by {@link #build(BuildContext)}.
* This is initialized by the constructor and marked as final because {@link #build(BuildContext)}
* must always return the same value.
private final SettableFuture<BuildRuleSuccess> buildRuleResult;
private final Function<String, String> pathRelativizer;
/** @see #getInputsToCompareToOutput(BuildContext) */
private Iterable<InputRule> inputsToCompareToOutputs;
protected AbstractCachingBuildRule(BuildRuleParams buildRuleParams) {
this.hasBuildStarted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
this.buildRuleResult = SettableFuture.create();
this.pathRelativizer = buildRuleParams.getPathRelativizer();
* This rule is designed to be used for precondition checks in subclasses. For example, before
* running the tests associated with a build rule, it is reasonable to do a sanity check to
* ensure that the rule has been built.
protected final synchronized boolean isRuleBuilt() {
return MoreFutures.isSuccess(buildRuleResult);
public BuildRuleSuccess.Type getBuildResultType() {
try {
return buildRuleResult.get().getType();
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Get the set of input files whose contents should be hashed for the purpose of determining
* whether this rule is cached.
* <p>
* Note that the collection of inputs is specified as a list, because for some build rules
* (such as {@link}), the order of the inputs is significant. If
* the order of the inputs is not significant for the build rule, then the list should be
* alphabetized so that lists with the same elements will be {@code .equals()} to one another.
abstract protected Iterable<String> getInputsToCompareToOutput();
public Iterable<InputRule> getInputs() {
if (inputsToCompareToOutputs == null) {
inputsToCompareToOutputs = InputRule.inputPathsAsInputRules(
getInputsToCompareToOutput(), pathRelativizer);
return inputsToCompareToOutputs;
protected RuleKey.Builder appendToRuleKey(RuleKey.Builder builder) {
// For a rule that lists its inputs via a "srcs" argument, this may seem redundant, but it is
// not. Here, the inputs are specified as InputRules, which means that the _contents_ of the
// files will be hashed. In the case of .set("srcs", srcs), the list of strings itself will be
// hashed. It turns out that we need both of these in order to construct a RuleKey correctly.
return super.appendToRuleKey(builder)
.setInputs("buck.inputs", getInputs());
public final ListenableFuture<BuildRuleSuccess> build(final BuildContext context) {
// We use hasBuildStarted as a lock so that we can minimize how much we need to synchronize.
synchronized(hasBuildStarted) {
if (hasBuildStarted.get()) {
return buildRuleResult;
} else {
// Build all of the deps first and then schedule a callback for this rule to build itself once
// all of those rules are done building.
try {
// Invoke every dep's build() method and create an uber-ListenableFuture that represents the
// successful completion of all deps.
List<ListenableFuture<BuildRuleSuccess>> builtDeps =
for (BuildRule dep : getDeps()) {
ListenableFuture<List<BuildRuleSuccess>> allBuiltDeps = Futures.allAsList(builtDeps);
// Schedule this rule to build itself once all of the deps are built.
new FutureCallback<List<BuildRuleSuccess>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<BuildRuleSuccess> deps) {
public void onFailure(Throwable failure) {
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
// This is a defensive catch block: if buildRuleResult is never satisfied, then Buck will
// hang because a callback that is waiting for this rule's future to complete will never be
// executed.
return buildRuleResult;
* Uses the deprecated {@link BuildContext#getProjectFilesystem()} method to get a
* {@link ProjectFilesystem}. This is abstracted into its own method to reduce the reach of the
* {@link SuppressWarnings} annotation.
private ProjectFilesystem getProjectFilesystemFromBuildContext(BuildContext context) {
return context.getProjectFilesystem();
* This method is invoked once all of this rule's dependencies are built.
* <p>
* This method should be executed on a fresh Runnable in BuildContext's ListeningExecutorService,
* so there is no reason to schedule new work in a new Runnable.
* <p>
* All exit paths through this method should resolve {@link #buildRuleResult} before exiting. To
* that end, this method should never throw an exception, or else Buck will hang waiting for
* {@link #buildRuleResult} to be resolved.
private void buildOnceDepsAreBuilt(final BuildContext context) {
BuckEventBus eventBus = context.getEventBus();
ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem = getProjectFilesystemFromBuildContext(context);
// Record the start of the build.;
// Deciding whether we need to rebuild is tricky business. We want to rebuild as little as
// possible while always being sound.
// For java_library rules that depend only on their first-order deps,
// they only need to rebuild themselves if any of the following conditions hold:
// (1) The definition of the build rule has changed.
// (2) Any of the input files (which includes resources as well as .java files) have changed.
// (3) The ABI of any of its dependent java_library rules has changed.
// For other types of build rules, we have to be more conservative when rebuilding. In those
// cases, we rebuild if any of the following conditions hold:
// (1) The definition of the build rule has changed.
// (2) Any of the input files have changed.
// (3) Any of the RuleKeys of this rule's deps have changed.
// Because a RuleKey for a rule will change if any of its transitive deps have changed, that
// means a change in one of the leaves can result in almost all rules being rebuilt, which is
// slow. Fortunately, we limit the effects of this when building Java code when checking the ABI
// of deps instead of the RuleKey for deps.
if (this instanceof AbiRule) {
AbiRule abiRule = (AbiRule)this;
Optional<RuleKey> ruleKeyNoDeps = abiRule.getRuleKeyWithoutDeps();
Optional<RuleKey> cachedRuleKeyNoDeps = abiRule.getRuleKeyWithoutDepsOnDisk(projectFilesystem);
if (ruleKeyNoDeps.isPresent() && ruleKeyNoDeps.equals(cachedRuleKeyNoDeps)) {
// The RuleKey for the definition of this build rule and its input files has not changed.
// Therefore, if the ABI of its deps has not changed, there is nothing to rebuild.
Optional<Sha1HashCode> abiKeyForDeps = abiRule.getAbiKeyForDeps();
Optional<Sha1HashCode> cachedAbiKeyForDeps = abiRule.getAbiKeyForDepsOnDisk(projectFilesystem);
if (abiKeyForDeps.isPresent()
&& abiKeyForDeps.equals(cachedAbiKeyForDeps)
&& abiRule.initializeFromDisk(projectFilesystem)) {
// Although no rebuild is required, we still need to write the updated RuleKey.
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
recordBuildRuleFailure(e, BuildRuleStatus.FAIL, CacheResult.HIT, eventBus);
// Compute the current RuleKey and compare it to the one stored on disk.
RuleKey ruleKey = getRuleKey();
Optional<RuleKey> cachedRuleKey = getRuleKeyOnDisk(projectFilesystem);
// If the RuleKeys match, then there is nothing to build.
if (cachedRuleKey.isPresent() && ruleKey.equals(cachedRuleKey.get())) {
context.logBuildInfo("[UNCHANGED %s]", getFullyQualifiedName());
// TODO(mbolin): Make sure that all output files are deleted before proceeding. This is
// particularly important for tests: their test result files must be deleted. Otherwise, we
// might replace the artifact for the rule, but leave the old test result files in place. We
// should organize our output directories so we can solve this for all rules at once.
// Before deciding to build, check the ArtifactCache.
String pathToOutputFile = getPathToOutputFile();
boolean fromCache = pathToOutputFile != null
&& context.getArtifactCache().fetch(
CacheResult cacheResult = fromCache ? CacheResult.HIT : CacheResult.MISS;
// Give the rule a chance to record metadata about the artifact.
if (fromCache) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
recordBuildRuleFailure(e, BuildRuleStatus.FAIL, cacheResult, eventBus);
// Run the steps to build this rule since it was not found in the cache.
if (!fromCache) {
try {
} catch (IOException|StepFailedException e) {
recordBuildRuleFailure(e, BuildRuleStatus.FAIL, cacheResult, eventBus);
// Record that the build rule has built successfully.
try {
recordBuildRuleCompleted(projectFilesystem, context.getArtifactCache(), fromCache);
} catch (IOException e) {
// If we failed to record the success, then we are in a potentially bad state where we have a
// new output but an old RuleKey record.
// TODO(mbolin): Make a final attempt to clear the invalid RuleKey record.
recordBuildRuleFailure(e, BuildRuleStatus.FAIL, cacheResult, eventBus);
// We made it to the end of the method! Record our success.
BuildRuleSuccess.Type successType = fromCache ? BuildRuleSuccess.Type.FETCHED_FROM_CACHE
: BuildRuleSuccess.Type.BUILT_LOCALLY;
recordBuildRuleSuccess(successType, BuildRuleStatus.SUCCESS, cacheResult, eventBus);
private void recordBuildRuleSuccess(BuildRuleSuccess.Type type,
BuildRuleStatus buildRuleStatus,
CacheResult cacheResult,
BuckEventBus eventBus) {, buildRuleStatus, cacheResult, Optional.of(type)));
buildRuleResult.set(new BuildRuleSuccess(this, type));
private void recordBuildRuleFailure(Throwable failure,
BuildRuleStatus buildRuleStatus,
CacheResult cacheResult,
BuckEventBus eventBus) {,
* Return this rule's RuleKey from the previous run if it is available on disk.
* <p>
* Any sort of internal IOException will be masked via {@link Optional#absent()}.
Optional<RuleKey> getRuleKeyOnDisk(ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem) {
Optional<File> successFile = projectFilesystem.getFileIfExists(getPathToSuccessFile());
if (successFile.isPresent()) {
try {
String ruleKeyHash = Files.readFirstLine(successFile.get(), Charsets.US_ASCII);
return Optional.of(new RuleKey(ruleKeyHash));
} catch (IOException|NumberFormatException|NullPointerException e) {
// As we transition into a new format for a .success file, old versions of .success files
// may be lying around, which could throw any of these exceptions. When this happens, we
// treat the .success file the same as if it were missing.
return Optional.absent();
} else {
return Optional.absent();
* This method is invoked if the output file is successfully fetched from the
* {@link ArtifactCache}. This is where a rule has the opportunity to record any relevant metadata
* about the artifact.
* <p>
* The default implementation of this method is empty.
* @param cache The {@link ArtifactCache} that was used to fetch the output file.
* @param projectFilesystem to use to determine where a metadata file should be written.
protected void recordOutputFileDetailsAfterFetchFromArtifactCache(ArtifactCache cache,
ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem) throws IOException {
* Execute the commands for this build rule. Requires all dependent rules are already built
* successfully.
private void executeCommandsNowThatDepsAreBuilt(BuildContext context)
throws IOException, StepFailedException {
context.logBuildInfo("[BUILDING %s]", getFullyQualifiedName());
// Get and run all of the commands.
List<Step> steps = buildInternal(context);
StepRunner stepRunner = context.getStepRunner();
for (Step step : steps) {
stepRunner.runStepForBuildTarget(step, getBuildTarget());
* When this method is invoked, all of its dependencies will have been built.
abstract protected List<Step> buildInternal(BuildContext context) throws IOException;
* For a rule that is read from the build cache, it may have fields that would normally be
* populated by executing the steps returned by {@link #buildInternal(BuildContext)}. Because
* {@link #buildInternal(BuildContext)} is not invoked for cached rules, a rule may need to
* implement this method to populate those fields in some other way. For a cached rule, this
* method will be invoked just before the future returned by {@link #build(BuildContext)} is
* resolved.
* <p>
* By default, this method does nothing except return {@code true}.
* @param projectFilesystem can be used to load
* @return whether the internal data structures were populated successfully.
protected boolean initializeFromDisk(ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem) {
return true;
* Record that the outputs for the build rule have been written. They may have been written by
* either:
* <ol>
* <li>The build rule executing all of its steps successfully.
* <li>The build rule pulling down the output artifacts via the ArtifactCache.
* </ol>
private void recordBuildRuleCompleted(ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem,
ArtifactCache artifactCache,
boolean fromCache)
throws IOException {
// Drop our cached output key, since it probably changed.
// Write the success file.
// Store output to cache.
String pathToOutputFile = getPathToOutputFile();
if (pathToOutputFile != null && !fromCache) {
File output = projectFilesystem.getFileForRelativePath(pathToOutputFile);, output);
* Write out a file that represents that this build rule succeeded, as well as the inputs that
* were used. The last-modified time of this file, and its contents, will be used to determine
* whether this rule should be cached.
* @throws IOException
private void writeSuccessFile(ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem) throws IOException {
String path = getPathToSuccessFile();
Iterable<String> lines = getSuccessFileStringsForBuildRules();
projectFilesystem.writeLinesToPath(lines, path);
private Iterable<String> getSuccessFileStringsForBuildRules() {
// For now, the one and only line written to the .success file is the RuleKey hash.
return ImmutableList.of(getRuleKey().toString());
String getPathToSuccessFile() {
return String.format("%s/%s.success/%s",
* Helper function for subclasses to create their lists of files for caching.
protected static void addInputsToSortedSet(@Nullable String pathToDirectory,
ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<String> inputsToConsiderForCachingPurposes,
DirectoryTraverser traverser) {
if (pathToDirectory == null) {
Set<String> files = DirectoryTraversers.getInstance().findFiles(
ImmutableSet.of(pathToDirectory), traverser);