Gerrit dual-master in High-Availability

This set of templates provides all the components to deploy a Gerrit dual-master in HA in ECS. The 2 masters will share the Git repositories via NFS, using EFS.


Four templates are provided in this example:

  • cf-cluster: define the ECS cluster and the networking stack
  • cf-service-master-1: define the service stack running Gerrit master 1
  • cf-service-master-2: define the service stack running Gerrit master 2
  • cf-dns-route: define the DNS routing for the service


  • Single VPC:
  • CIDR:
  • Single Availability Zone
  • 1 public Subnets:
  • CIDR:
  • 1 public NLB exposing:
  • Gerrit master 1 HTTP on port 8080
  • Gerrit master 1 SSH on port 29418
  • 1 public NLB exposing:
  • Gerrit master 2 HTTP on port 8081
  • Gerrit master 2 SSH on port 39418
  • 1 Internet Gateway
  • 2 type A alias DNS entry, for Gerrit master 1 and 2
  • A wildcard SSL certificate available in AWS Certificate Manager

Data persistency

  • EBS volumes for:
    • Indexes
    • Caches
    • Logs
  • EFS volume:
    • Share Git repositories between masters
    • Share Web sessions between masters

NOTE: This stack uses EFS in provisioned mode, which is a better setting for large repos (> 1GB uncompressed) since it provides a lower latency compared to the burst mode. However, it has some costs associated. If you are dealing with small repos, you can switch to burst mode.

Deployment type

  • Latest Gerrit version deployed using the official Docker image
  • Application deployed in ECS on a single EC2 instance


  • All the logs are forwarded to AWS CloudWatch in the LogGroup with the cluster stack name

How to run it


The setup.env.template is an example of setup file for the creation of the stacks.

Before creating the stacks, create a setup.env in the Makefile directory and set the correct values of the environment variables.

This is the list of available parameters:

  • DOCKER_REGISTRY_URI: Mandatory. URI of the Docker registry. See the prerequisites section for more details.
  • SSL_CERTIFICATE_ARN: Mandatory. ARN of the wildcard SSL Certificate, covering both master nodes.
  • CLUSTER_STACK_NAME: Optional. Name of the cluster stack. gerrit-cluster by default.
  • SERVICE_MASTER1_STACK_NAME: Optional. Name of the master 1 service stack. gerrit-service-master-1 by default.
  • SERVICE_MASTER2_STACK_NAME: Optional. Name of the master 2 service stack. gerrit-service-master-2 by default.
  • DNS_ROUTING_STACK_NAME: Optional. Name of the DNS routing stack. gerrit-dns-routing by default.
  • HOSTED_ZONE_NAME: Optional. Name of the hosted zone. by default.
  • MASTER1_SUBDOMAIN: Optional. Name of the master 1 sub domain. gerrit-master-1-demo by default.
  • MASTER2_SUBDOMAIN: Optional. Name of the master 2 sub domain. gerrit-master-2-demo by default.
  • CLUSTER_DESIRED_CAPACITY: Optional. Number of EC2 instances composing the cluster. 1 by default.
  • GERRIT_KEY_PREFIX : Optional. Secrets prefix used during the Import into AWS Secret Manager. gerrit_secret by default.
  • GERRIT_RAM: RAM allocated (MiB) to the Gerrit container. 70000 by default.
  • GERRIT_CPU: vCPU units allocated to the Gerrit container. 10240 by default.
  • GERRIT_HEAP_LIMIT: Maximum heap size of the Java process running Gerrit, in bytes. See Gerrit documentation 35g by default.
  • JGIT_CACHE_SIZE: Maximum number of bytes to load and cache in memory from pack files. See Gerrit documentation for more details. 12g by default.


The prerequisites to run this stack are:

  • a registered and correctly configured domain in Route53
  • to publish the Docker image with your Gerrit configuration in AWS ECR
  • to add Gerrit secrets in AWS Secret Manager
  • an SSL Certificate in AWS Certificate Manager (you can find more information on how to create and handle certificates in AWS here

Add Gerrit Secrets in AWS Secret Manager

AWS Secret Manager is a secure way of storing and managing secrets of any type.

The secrets you will have to add are the Gerrit SSH keys and the Register Email Private Key set in secure.config.

SSH Keys

The SSH keys you will need to add are the one usually created and used by Gerrit:

  • ssh_host_ecdsa_384_key
  • ssh_host_ecdsa_521_key
  • ssh_host_ecdsa_key
  • ssh_host_ed25519_key
  • ssh_host_rsa_key

Plus a key used by the replication plugin:

  • replication_user_id_rsa

You will have to create the keys and place them in a directory.

Register Email Private Key

You will need to create a secret and put it in a file called registerEmailPrivateKey in the same directory of the SSH keys.

LDAP Password

You will need to put the admin LDAP password in a file called ldapPassword in the same directory of the SSH keys.

SMTP Password

You will need to put the SMTP password in a file called smtpPassword in the same directory of the SSH keys.

Import into AWS Secret Manager

You can now run the script to upload them to AWS Secret Manager: /path/to/your/keys/directory secret_prefix aws-region-id

When secret_prefix is omitted, it is set to gerrit_secret by default.

Publish custom Gerrit Docker image

  • Create the repository in the Docker registry: aws ecr create-repository --repository-name aws-gerrit/gerrit
  • Set the Docker registry URI in DOCKER_REGISTRY_URI
  • Create a gerrit.setup and set the correct parameters
  • An example of the possible setting are in gerrit.setup.template
  • The structure and parameters of gerrit.setup are the same as a normal gerrit.config
  • Refer to the Gerrit Configuration Documentation for the meaning of the parameters
  • Add the plugins you want to install in ./gerrit/plugins
  • Publish the image: make gerrit-publish

Publish custom HAProxy Docker image

  • Create the HAProxy and the logging sidecar repository in the Docker registry: aws ecr create-repository --repository-name aws-gerrit/haproxy aws ecr create-repository --repository-name aws-gerrit/syslog-sidecar
  • Publish the images: make haproxy-publish make syslog-sidecar-publish

Getting Started

  • Create the cluster, services and DNS routing stacks:
make create-all

NOTE: the creation of the cluster needs an EC2 key pair are useful when you need to connect to the EC2 instances for troubleshooting purposes. The key pair is automatically generated and store them in a pem file on the current directory. To use when ssh-ing into your instances as follow: ssh -i cluster-keys.pem ec2-user@<ec2_instance_ip>

Cleaning up

make delete-all

Access your Gerrit instances

Get the URL of your Gerrit master instances this way:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
  --stack-name <SERVICE_MASTER1_STACK_NAME> \
  | grep -A1 '"OutputKey": "CanonicalWebUrl"' \
  | grep OutputValue \
  | cut -d'"' -f 4

aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
  --stack-name <SERVICE_MASTER2_STACK_NAME> \
  | grep -A1 '"OutputKey": "CanonicalWebUrl"' \
  | grep OutputValue \
  | cut -d'"' -f 4

Gerrit master instance ports:

  • HTTP 8080
  • SSH 29418

External services

This is a list of external services that you might need to setup your stack and some suggestions on how to easily create them.

SMTP Server

If you need to setup a SMTP service Amazon Simple Email Service can be used. Details how setup Amazon SES can be found here.

To correctly setup email notifications Gerrit requires ssl protocol on default port 465 to be enabled on SMTP Server. It is possible to setup Gerrit to talk to standard SMTP port 25 but by default all EC2 instances are blocking it. To enable port 25 please follow this link.

LDAP Server

If you need a testing LDAP server you can find details on how to easily create one in the LDAP folder.