| AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' |
| Description: ECS service scheduling GC against specified git projects |
| Parameters: |
| ClusterStackName: |
| Description: Stack name of the ECS cluster to deploy this service onto |
| Type: String |
| Default: gerrit-cluster |
| ProjectList: |
| Description: Comma separated list of projects to perform GC against |
| Type: CommaDelimitedList |
| Default: '' |
| EnvironmentName: |
| Description: An environment name used to build the log stream names |
| Type: String |
| Default: test |
| TemplateBucketName: |
| Description: S3 bucket containing cloudformation templates |
| Type: String |
| DockerImageFQN: |
| Description: Fully qualified name of the git-gc docker image |
| Type: String |
| ScheduleCronExpression: |
| Description: Cron expression string to schedule GC at |
| Type: String |
| GitSourcePath: |
| Description: The absolute path storing git data |
| Type: String |
| |
| Mappings: |
| Gerrit: |
| Volume: |
| Git: gerrit-git |
| GitGC: |
| Task: |
| Name: git-gc |
| |
| Resources: |
| TaskDefinition: |
| Type: AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition |
| Properties: |
| Family: !FindInMap ['GitGC', 'Task', 'Name'] |
| TaskRoleArn: !GetAtt ECSTaskExecutionRoleStack.Outputs.TaskExecutionRoleRef |
| ExecutionRoleArn: !GetAtt ECSTaskExecutionRoleStack.Outputs.TaskExecutionRoleRef |
| NetworkMode: bridge |
| PlacementConstraints: |
| - Expression: !Sub 'attribute:target_group =~ primary.*' |
| Type: "memberOf" |
| ContainerDefinitions: |
| - Name: !FindInMap ['GitGC', 'Task', 'Name'] |
| Essential: true |
| Image: !Ref DockerImageFQN |
| Environment: |
| Value: !Join [',', !Ref ProjectList] |
| MountPoints: |
| - SourceVolume: !FindInMap ['Gerrit', 'Volume', 'Git'] |
| ContainerPath: /git |
| Cpu: 1024 |
| Memory: 1024 |
| LogConfiguration: |
| LogDriver: awslogs |
| Options: |
| awslogs-group: !Ref ClusterStackName |
| awslogs-region: !Ref AWS::Region |
| awslogs-stream-prefix: !Ref EnvironmentName |
| Volumes: |
| - Name: !FindInMap ['Gerrit', 'Volume', 'Git'] |
| Host: |
| SourcePath: !Ref GitSourcePath |
| |
| ECSTaskExecutionRoleStack: |
| Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack |
| Properties: |
| TemplateURL: !Join [ '', ['https://', !Ref TemplateBucketName, '.s3.amazonaws.com/cf-gerrit-task-execution-role.yml'] ] |
| TimeoutInMinutes: '5' |
| |
| EventsInvokeTaskRole: |
| Type: AWS::IAM::Role |
| Properties: |
| AssumeRolePolicyDocument: |
| Statement: |
| - Effect: Allow |
| Principal: |
| Service: [events.amazonaws.com] |
| Action: |
| - sts:AssumeRole |
| Path: / |
| Policies: |
| - PolicyName: "AllowTaskInvoke" |
| PolicyDocument: |
| Statement: |
| - Effect: "Allow" |
| Action: |
| - 'ecs:RunTask' |
| Resource: !Sub |
| - "arn:aws:ecs:*:${AWS::AccountId}:task-definition/${TaskName}:*" |
| - { TaskName: !FindInMap ['GitGC', 'Task', 'Name'] } |
| Condition: |
| ArnLike: |
| ecs:cluster: !Sub |
| - "arn:aws:ecs:*:${AWS::AccountId}:cluster/${ClusterName}" |
| - { ClusterName: |
| { Fn::ImportValue: !Join [':', [!Ref 'ClusterStackName', 'ClusterName']] } |
| } |
| - Effect: "Allow" |
| Action: "iam:PassRole" |
| Resource: "*" |
| Condition: |
| StringLike: |
| iam:PassedToService: "ecs-tasks.amazonaws.com" |
| |
| TaskSchedule: |
| Type: AWS::Events::Rule |
| Properties: |
| Description: "Run git garbage collection on a list of specified projects" |
| Name: git-GC |
| ScheduleExpression: !Sub "cron(${ScheduleCronExpression})" |
| State: ENABLED |
| Targets: |
| - Id: git-gc-primary |
| RoleArn: !GetAtt EventsInvokeTaskRole.Arn |
| EcsParameters: |
| TaskDefinitionArn: !Ref TaskDefinition |
| TaskCount: 1 |
| Arn: |
| Fn::ImportValue: |
| !Join [':', [!Ref 'ClusterStackName', 'ClusterArn']] |