
This is a set of Cloud Formation Templates and scripts to spin up a monitoring stack.

The stack includes Prometheus, to scrape Gerrit metrics exposed by master and slave, and Grafana to display them.


Import a Prometheus Bearer Token

  • Generate a Token
  • Import the Token in AWS secret manager with the provided script:
> <yourToken>
  Adding Prometheus Bearer Token...
      "ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:<yourAccountId>:secret:gerrit_secret_prometheus_bearer_token-gXpAFL",
      "Name": "gerrit_secret_test_prometheus_bearer_token",
      "VersionId": "e19310a4-8078-4bdb-90b4-74ead48e4339"
  • Add TOKEN_VERSION to the main cookbook setup.env
  • Its value is the last part of the secret ARN, gXpAFL in this case

How to run it

From the main cookbook run: make service-monitoring

Access your Prometheus instance

Get the URL of your Prometheus instance this way:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
  | grep -A1 '"OutputKey": "CanonicalWebUrl"' \
  | grep OutputValue \
  | cut -d'"' -f 4

Access your Grafana instance

Get the URL of your Prometheus instance this way:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
  | grep -A1 '"OutputKey": "CanonicalWebUrl"' \
  | grep OutputValue \
  | cut -d'"' -f 4

The default credentials are:

  • user admin
  • password admin


Refer to the Docker section for information on how to setup docker or how to publish images