
Export logs to S3

All logs, for all recipes are streamed to cloudwatch logs and can be accessed via the cloudwatch console.

In some occasions however it is useful to export logs so that they can be shared, analyzed, manipulated outside the AWS environment.

To do so, a make rule is provided for all recipes, to export logs to an S3 bucket.

make \
  [AWS_REGION=<region>] \
  [AWS_PREFIX=<prefix>] \
  [EXPORT_FROM_SECONDS=<epoch_secs>] \

*AWS_REGION: Optional. Defaults to the value set in your common.env *AWS_PREFIX: Optional. Defaults to the value set in your common.env *EXPORT_FROM_SECONDS. Optional. The start time of the range for the request, expressed as the number of seconds after Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC. *S3_EXPORT_LOGS_BUCKET_NAME: Optional. Defaults to $(AWS_PREFIX)-s3-export-logs

Note: this command assumes that the bucket already exists and that is configured with the relevant policy allowing cloudwatch to export logs into it (see permissions) for more information on how to set this up.

Alternatively you can create, setup the bucket and export the logs in one command.

make \
  [AWS_REGION=<region>] \
  [AWS_PREFIX=<prefix>] \
  [EXPORT_FROM_SECONDS=<epoch_secs>] \

By default the created bucket will allow all items in the bucket to be public by default. If this is not what you want you should create your bucket through other means or update its policy after it has been created.

The output of this command provides the full url of the main exported logs. Namely sshd_log, httpd_log and error_log.

For example:

***************LOG URLS **********************

In order to execute the command, the issuing profile needs to have the ability to have full access to S3 and to CloudWatch, as detailed in the official AWS documentation