Define plugins and libs in each recipe

Make sure that each individual recipe defines
their requirements in terms of:
- plugins
- lib modules
- extra libs

Previously, all the plugins needed by the recipes where
downloaded with a complex logic in /gerrit/Makefile which has
demonstrated to be error-prone.

The plugins associated with the dual-master ended
up into the single-master recipe, which is clearly
unnecessary and could have also caused other problems.

Bug: Issue 13352
Change-Id: I31057c9147d6bc17e0458748b79a97d85f2b7e10
diff --git a/dual-master/Makefile b/dual-master/Makefile
index 8e202db..5697fb0 100644
--- a/dual-master/Makefile
+++ b/dual-master/Makefile
@@ -11,6 +11,12 @@
 AWS_FC_COMMAND=export AWS_PAGER=;aws cloudformation
+SINGLE_SITE_PLUGINS=javamelody high-availability healthcheck metrics-reporter-cloudwatch
+MULTI_SITE_PLUGINS=$(SINGLE_SITE_PLUGINS) multi-site kafka-events websession-broker zookeeper-refdb~zk-3.5
+MULTI_SITE_PLUGINS_LIBS_LINKS=multi-site replication
 .PHONY: create-all delete-all \
 				wait-for-replication-creation wait-for-service-replication-deletion service-replication delete-service-replication \
 				cluster cluster-keys service-master-1 service-master-2 service-slave dns-routing dashboard delete-dashboard\
@@ -447,7 +453,11 @@
 						delete-cluster wait-for-cluster-deletion
-	$(MAKE) -C ../gerrit gerrit-publish RECIPE=dual-master
+ifeq ($(MULTISITE_ENABLED),true)
+	$(MAKE) -C ../gerrit gerrit-publish RECIPE=dual-master PLUGINS="$(SINGLE_SITE_PLUGINS)"
 	$(MAKE) -C haproxy haproxy-publish
diff --git a/gerrit/Makefile b/gerrit/Makefile
index 3b78794..ef80087 100644
--- a/gerrit/Makefile
+++ b/gerrit/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 include ../$(RECIPE)/setup.env
 include ../Makefile.common
+PLUGINS=javamelody healthcheck metrics-reporter-cloudwatch
 	aws ecr get-login-password --region $(AWS_REGION) \
 		| docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $(DOCKER_REGISTRY_URI)/aws-gerrit/gerrit
@@ -12,63 +14,34 @@
 	@echo "Ensure no plugins or libraries are left from previous deployments"
 	rm -f $(@D)/{plugins,lib}/*.jar
-	@echo "Downloading metrics-reporter-prometheus plugin $(GERRIT_BRANCH)"
-	wget $(GERRIT_CI)/plugin-metrics-reporter-prometheus-bazel-master-$(GERRIT_BRANCH)/$(LAST_BUILD)/metrics-reporter-prometheus/metrics-reporter-prometheus.jar \
-	-O ./plugins/metrics-reporter-prometheus.jar \
-	|| { echo >&2 "Cannot download metrics-reporter-prometheus plugin: Check internet connection. Aborting"; exit 1; }
+	for plugin in $(PLUGINS); \
+	do \
+		export pluginname=`echo $$plugin | cut -d '~' -f 1`; \
+		export pluginjar=`echo $$plugin | tr '~' '-'`; \
+		echo "Downloading $$plugin plugin $(GERRIT_BRANCH)"; \
+		wget $(GERRIT_CI)/plugin-$$pluginname-bazel-$(GERRIT_BRANCH)/$(LAST_BUILD)/$$pluginname/$$pluginjar.jar \
+		-O ./plugins/$$pluginname.jar || \
+		wget $(GERRIT_CI)/plugin-$$pluginname-bazel-master-$(GERRIT_BRANCH)/$(LAST_BUILD)/$$pluginname/$$pluginjar.jar \
+		-O ./plugins/$$pluginname.jar || \
+		{ echo >&2 "Cannot download $$plugin plugin: Check internet connection. Aborting"; exit 1; }; \
+	done
-	@echo "Downloading javamelody plugin $(GERRIT_BRANCH)"
-	wget $(GERRIT_CI)/plugin-javamelody-bazel-master-$(GERRIT_BRANCH)/$(LAST_BUILD)/javamelody/javamelody.jar \
-	-O ./plugins/javamelody.jar \
-	|| { echo >&2 "Cannot download javamelody plugin: Check internet connection. Aborting"; exit 1; }
+	for pluginlib in $(PLUGINS_LIBS_LINKS); \
+	do \
+		echo "Symlink $$pluginlib plugin into lib"; \
+		ln -sf ../plugins/$$pluginlib.jar ./lib/$$pluginlib.jar; \
+	done
-	@echo "Downloading HA plugin $(GERRIT_BRANCH)"
-	wget $(GERRIT_CI)/plugin-high-availability-bazel-$(GERRIT_BRANCH)/$(LAST_BUILD)/high-availability/high-availability.jar \
-	-O ./plugins/high-availability.jar \
-	|| { echo >&2 "Cannot download high-availability plugin: Check internet connection. Aborting"; exit 1; }
-	@echo "Downloading Health Check plugin $(GERRIT_BRANCH)"
-	wget $(GERRIT_CI)/plugin-healthcheck-bazel-$(GERRIT_BRANCH)/$(LAST_BUILD)/healthcheck/healthcheck.jar \
-	-O ./plugins/healthcheck.jar \
-	|| { echo >&2 "Cannot download healthcheck plugin: Check internet connection. Aborting"; exit 1; }
-	@echo "Downloading Metrics Reporter Cloudwatch plugin $(GERRIT_BRANCH)"
-	wget $(GERRIT_CI)/plugin-metrics-reporter-cloudwatch-bazel-$(GERRIT_BRANCH)/$(LAST_BUILD)/metrics-reporter-cloudwatch/metrics-reporter-cloudwatch.jar \
-	-O ./plugins/metrics-reporter-cloudwatch.jar \
-	|| { echo >&2 "Cannot download metrics-reporter-cloudwatch plugin: Check internet connection. Aborting"; exit 1; }
-ifeq ($(MULTISITE_ENABLED),true)
-	@echo "Downloading multi-site plugin $(GERRIT_BRANCH)"
-	wget $(GERRIT_CI)/plugin-multi-site-bazel-$(GERRIT_BRANCH)/$(LAST_BUILD)/multi-site/multi-site.jar \
-	-O ./plugins/multi-site.jar \
-	|| { echo >&2 "Cannot download multi-site plugin: Check internet connection. Aborting"; exit 1; }
-	@echo "Symlink multi-site plugin into lib"
-	ln -sf ../plugins/multi-site.jar ./lib/multi-site.jar
-	@echo "Symlink replication plugin into lib"
-	ln -sf ../plugins/replication.jar lib/replication.jar
-	@echo "Downloading events-broker library"
-	wget $(MAVEN_ARCHIVE)/events-broker/$(EVENTSBROKER_LIB_VER)/events-broker-$(EVENTSBROKER_LIB_VER).jar \
-	-O lib/events-broker.jar \
-	|| { echo >&2 "Cannot download events-broker-library: Check internet connection. Aborting"; exit 1; }
-	@echo "Downloading kafka-events plugin $(GERRIT_BRANCH)"
-	wget $(GERRIT_CI)/plugin-kafka-events-bazel-$(GERRIT_BRANCH)/$(LAST_BUILD)/kafka-events/kafka-events.jar \
-	-O ./plugins/kafka-events.jar \
-	|| { echo >&2 "Cannot download kafka-events plugin: Check internet connection. Aborting"; exit 1; }
-	@echo "Downloading zookeper-refdb-3.5 plugin $(GERRIT_BRANCH)"
-	wget $(GERRIT_CI)/plugin-zookeeper-refdb-bazel-$(GERRIT_BRANCH)/$(LAST_BUILD)/zookeeper-refdb/zookeeper-refdb-zk-3.5.jar \
-	-O ./plugins/zookeeper-refdb.jar \
-	|| { echo >&2 "Cannot download zookeeper-refdb plugin: Check internet connection. Aborting"; exit 1; }
-	@echo "Downloading websession-broker plugin $(GERRIT_BRANCH)"
-	wget $(GERRIT_CI)/plugin-websession-broker-bazel-master-$(GERRIT_BRANCH)/$(LAST_BUILD)/websession-broker/websession-broker.jar \
-	-O ./plugins/websession-broker.jar \
-	|| { echo >&2 "Cannot download websession-broker plugin: Check internet connection. Aborting"; exit 1; }
+	for mavenlib in $(MAVEN_LIBS); \
+	do \
+		echo "Downloading $$mavenlib library"; \
+		export libname=`echo $$mavenlib | cut -d '~' -f 1`; \
+		export libver=`echo $$mavenlib | cut -d '~' -f 2`; \
+		export libjar=`echo $$mavenlib | tr '~' '-'`; \
+		wget $(MAVEN_ARCHIVE)/$$libname/$$libver/$$libjar.jar \
+			-O ./lib/$$libname.jar \
+		|| { echo >&2 "Cannot download $$mavenlib: Check internet connection. Aborting"; exit 1; } \
+	done
 	cat Dockerfile | \