| AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' |
| Description: Deploy Gerrit network stack |
| |
| Parameters: |
| InternetGatewayIdProp: |
| Type: String |
| Default: "" |
| Description: Internet Gateway id. If empty Internet Gateway will be created |
| VPCIdProp: |
| Type: String |
| Default: "" |
| Description: VPC id. If empty VPC will be created |
| Subnet1IdProp: |
| Type: String |
| Default: "" |
| Description: Subnet1 id. If empty Network Stack will be created |
| Subnet2IdProp: |
| Type: String |
| Default: "" |
| Description: Subnet2 id. If empty Network Stack will be created |
| Subnet1CIDR: |
| Type: String |
| Default: |
| Description: Subnet 1 CIDR. |
| Subnet2CIDR: |
| Type: String |
| Default: |
| Description: Subnet 2 CIDR. |
| Type: String |
| Default: |
| Description: VPC CIDR. |
| Subnet1AZProp: |
| Type: String |
| Default: "" |
| Description: The Availability Zone of subnet1 |
| Subnet2AZProp: |
| Type: String |
| Default: "" |
| Description: The Availability Zone of subnet2 |
| |
| Conditions: |
| CreateVPC: !Equals [!Ref VPCIdProp, ""] |
| CreateNetworkStack: !Equals [!Ref Subnet1IdProp, ""] |
| HasSubnet1AZ: !Not |
| - !Equals [!Ref Subnet1AZProp, ""] |
| HasSubnet2AZ: !Not |
| - !Equals [!Ref Subnet2AZProp, ""] |
| CreateInternetGateway: !And |
| - !Equals [!Ref InternetGatewayIdProp, ""] |
| - !Condition CreateNetworkStack |
| Resources: |
| VPC: |
| Condition: CreateVPC |
| Type: AWS::EC2::VPC |
| Properties: |
| EnableDnsSupport: true |
| EnableDnsHostnames: true |
| CidrBlock: !Ref VPCCIDR |
| |
| # Public subnets, where containers can have public IP addresses |
| PublicSubnetOne: |
| Condition: CreateNetworkStack |
| Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet |
| Properties: |
| AvailabilityZone: |
| Fn::If: |
| - HasSubnet1AZ |
| - !Ref 'Subnet1AZProp' |
| - Fn::Select: |
| - 0 |
| - Fn::GetAZs: "" |
| VpcId: !If [CreateVPC, !Ref 'VPC', !Ref 'VPCIdProp' ] |
| CidrBlock: !Ref 'Subnet1CIDR' |
| MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true |
| |
| PublicSubnetTwo: |
| Condition: CreateNetworkStack |
| Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet |
| Properties: |
| AvailabilityZone: |
| Fn::If: |
| - HasSubnet2AZ |
| - !Ref 'Subnet2AZProp' |
| - Fn::Select: |
| - 1 |
| - Fn::GetAZs: "" |
| VpcId: !If [CreateVPC, !Ref 'VPC', !Ref 'VPCIdProp' ] |
| CidrBlock: !Ref 'Subnet2CIDR' |
| MapPublicIpOnLaunch: true |
| |
| # Setup networking resources for the public subnets. Containers |
| # in the public subnets have public IP addresses and the routing table |
| # sends network traffic via the internet gateway. |
| InternetGateway: |
| Condition: CreateInternetGateway |
| Type: AWS::EC2::InternetGateway |
| GatewayAttachement: |
| Condition: CreateNetworkStack |
| Type: AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment |
| Properties: |
| VpcId: !If [CreateVPC, !Ref 'VPC', !Ref 'VPCIdProp' ] |
| InternetGatewayId: !If [CreateInternetGateway, !Ref 'InternetGateway', !Ref 'InternetGatewayIdProp' ] |
| PublicRouteTable: |
| Condition: CreateNetworkStack |
| Type: AWS::EC2::RouteTable |
| Properties: |
| VpcId: !If [CreateVPC, !Ref 'VPC', !Ref 'VPCIdProp' ] |
| PublicRoute: |
| Condition: CreateNetworkStack |
| Type: AWS::EC2::Route |
| DependsOn: GatewayAttachement |
| Properties: |
| RouteTableId: !Ref 'PublicRouteTable' |
| DestinationCidrBlock: '' |
| GatewayId: !If [CreateInternetGateway, !Ref 'InternetGateway', !Ref 'InternetGatewayIdProp' ] |
| PublicSubnetOneRouteTableAssociation: |
| Condition: CreateNetworkStack |
| Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation |
| Properties: |
| SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnetOne |
| RouteTableId: !Ref PublicRouteTable |
| PublicSubnetTwoRouteTableAssociation: |
| Condition: CreateNetworkStack |
| Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation |
| Properties: |
| SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnetTwo |
| RouteTableId: !Ref PublicRouteTable |
| Outputs: |
| VPCRef: |
| Value: !If [CreateVPC, !Ref 'VPC', !Ref 'VPCIdProp' ] |
| PublicSubnetOneRef: |
| Value: !If [CreateNetworkStack, !Ref 'PublicSubnetOne', !Ref 'Subnet1IdProp' ] |
| PublicSubnetOneAZ: |
| Value: !If [CreateNetworkStack, !GetAtt PublicSubnetOne.AvailabilityZone, !Ref 'Subnet1AZProp' ] |
| PublicOneCIDR: |
| Value: !Ref 'Subnet1CIDR' |
| PublicSubnetTwoRef: |
| Value: !If [CreateNetworkStack, !Ref 'PublicSubnetTwo', !Ref 'Subnet2IdProp' ] |
| PublicSubnetTwoAZ: |
| Value: !If [CreateNetworkStack, !GetAtt PublicSubnetTwo.AvailabilityZone, !Ref 'Subnet2AZProp' ] |
| PublicTwoCIDR: |
| Value: !Ref 'Subnet2CIDR' |