Before configuring, setting up and deploying a gerrit stack on AWS, there are some one-off operations that are required. These includes key creations, certificates, docker registries etc. The prerequisites to run this stack are:
a registered and correctly configured domain in Route53
Make sure ECR repositories exist
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name aws-gerrit/gerrit aws ecr create-repository --repository-name aws-gerrit/git-ssh aws ecr create-repository --repository-name aws-gerrit/git-daemon aws ecr create-repository --repository-name aws-gerrit/prometheus aws ecr create-repository --repository-name aws-gerrit/grafana aws ecr create-repository --repository-name aws-gerrit/git-gc
to upload required credentials to AWS Secret Manager execute the secrets configuration documentation steps.
an SSL Certificate in AWS Certificate Manager (you can find more information on how to create and handle certificates in AWS here
An S3 bucket is required in order to store cloudformation templates that are used to build the stacks. You must edit the common.env
file and set the TEMPLATE_BUCKET_NAME
. The bucket will then be created the first time you run a deployment. Note that the at the moment the bucket accessibility is public.