| // Copyright (C) 2017 GerritForge Ltd |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| package com.gerritforge.analytics.gitcommits.job |
| |
| import java.time.LocalDate |
| |
| import com.gerritforge.analytics.gitcommits.model.{ |
| GerritEndpointConfig, |
| GerritProjectWithRef, |
| GerritProjectsSupport |
| } |
| import com.gerritforge.analytics.spark.SparkApp |
| import com.gerritforge.analytics.support.ops.ReadsOps._ |
| import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging |
| import org.apache.spark.SparkContext |
| import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SparkSession} |
| import scopt.OptionParser |
| |
| import scala.io.Codec |
| |
| object Main extends App with SparkApp with Job with LazyLogging with FetchRemoteProjects { |
| override val appName = "Gerrit GitCommits Analytics ETL" |
| |
| private val fileExists: String => Either[String, Unit] = { path => |
| if (!new java.io.File(path).exists) { |
| Left(s"ERROR: Path '$path' doesn't exists!") |
| } else { |
| Right() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private val cliOptionParser: OptionParser[GerritEndpointConfig] = |
| new scopt.OptionParser[GerritEndpointConfig]("scopt") { |
| head("scopt", "3.x") |
| opt[String]('u', "url") optional () action { (x, c) => |
| c.copy(baseUrl = Some(x)) |
| } text "gerrit url" |
| opt[String]('p', "prefix") optional () action { (p, c) => |
| c.copy(prefix = Some(p)) |
| } text "projects prefix" |
| opt[String]('o', "out") optional () action { (x, c) => |
| c.copy(outputDir = x) |
| } text "output directory" |
| opt[String]('e', "elasticIndex") optional () action { (x, c) => |
| c.copy(elasticIndex = Some(x)) |
| } text "index name" |
| opt[LocalDate]('s', "since") optional () action { (x, c) => |
| c.copy(since = Some(x)) |
| } text "begin date " |
| opt[LocalDate]('u', "until") optional () action { (x, c) => |
| c.copy(until = Some(x)) |
| } text "since date" |
| opt[String]('g', "aggregate") optional () action { (x, c) => |
| c.copy(aggregate = Some(x)) |
| } text "aggregate email/email_hour/email_day/email_month/email_year" |
| |
| opt[String]('a', "email-aliases") optional () validate fileExists action { (path, c) => |
| c.copy(emailAlias = Some(path)) |
| } text "\"emails to author alias\" input data path" |
| |
| opt[String]("username") optional () action { (input, c) => |
| c.copy(username = Some(input)) |
| } text "Gerrit API Username" |
| |
| opt[String]("password") optional () action { (input, c) => |
| c.copy(password = Some(input)) |
| } text "Gerrit API Password" |
| |
| opt[Boolean]('k', "ignore-ssl-cert") optional () action { (input, c) => |
| c.copy(ignoreSSLCert = Some(input)) |
| } text "Ignore SSL certificate validation" |
| |
| opt[Boolean]('r', "extract-branches") optional () action { (input, c) => |
| c.copy(extractBranches = Some(input)) |
| } text "enables branches extraction for each commit" |
| |
| opt[String]('m', "manifest") optional () action { (x, c) => |
| c.copy(manifest = Some(x)) |
| } text "repo manifest XML with the list of projects to process" |
| |
| opt[String]('n', "manifest-branch") optional () action { (input, c) => |
| c.copy(manifestBranch = Some(input)) |
| } text "manifest file git branch" |
| |
| opt[String]('l', "manifest-label") optional () action { (input, c) => |
| c.copy(manifestLabel = Some(input)) |
| } text "a 'manifest-label' is an aggregation of projects imported from the same manifest. Add to allow query by 'manifest-label'." |
| |
| } |
| |
| cliOptionParser.parse(args, GerritEndpointConfig()) match { |
| case Some(config) => |
| implicit val _: GerritEndpointConfig = config |
| |
| logger.info(s"Starting analytics app with config $config") |
| |
| val dataFrame = buildProjectStats().cache() //This dataframe is written twice |
| |
| logger.info(s"ES content created, saving it to '${config.outputDir}'") |
| dataFrame.write.json(config.outputDir) |
| |
| saveES(dataFrame) |
| |
| case None => // invalid configuration usage has been displayed |
| } |
| } |
| |
| trait Job { |
| self: LazyLogging with FetchProjects => |
| implicit val codec = Codec.ISO8859 |
| |
| def buildProjectStats()(implicit config: GerritEndpointConfig, spark: SparkSession): DataFrame = { |
| import com.gerritforge.analytics.gitcommits.engine.GerritAnalyticsTransformations._ |
| |
| implicit val sc: SparkContext = spark.sparkContext |
| |
| val projects = fetchProjects(config) |
| |
| logger.info( |
| s"Loaded a list of ${projects.size} projects ${if (projects.size > 20) projects.take(20).mkString("[", ",", ", ...]") |
| else projects.mkString("[", ",", "]")}" |
| ) |
| |
| val aliasesDF = getAliasDF(config.emailAlias) |
| |
| val contributorsStats = getContributorStats( |
| spark.sparkContext.parallelize(projects), |
| config.contributorsUrl, |
| config.gerritApiConnection |
| ) |
| val df = contributorsStats.dashboardStats(aliasesDF) |
| config.manifest.flatMap(_ => |
| config.manifestLabel.map(p => df.addManifestInfo(p, config.manifestBranch))) |
| .getOrElse(df) |
| } |
| |
| def saveES(df: DataFrame)(implicit config: GerritEndpointConfig) { |
| import org.elasticsearch.spark.sql._ |
| config.elasticIndex.foreach { esIndex => |
| logger.info( |
| s"ES content created, saving it to elastic search instance at '${config.elasticIndex}'") |
| df.saveToEs(esIndex) |
| } |
| |
| } |
| } |
| |
| trait FetchProjects { |
| def fetchProjects(config: GerritEndpointConfig): Seq[GerritProjectWithRef] |
| } |
| |
| trait FetchRemoteProjects extends FetchProjects { |
| def fetchProjects(config: GerritEndpointConfig): Seq[GerritProjectWithRef] = |
| config.projectsFromManifest.map(_.toSeq).getOrElse( |
| config.gerritProjectsUrl.toSeq.flatMap { url => |
| GerritProjectsSupport.parseJsonProjectListResponse( |
| config.gerritApiConnection.getContentFromApi(url) |
| ) |
| }) |
| } |