Remove local implementation of LfsUnauthorized

Use the one exposed by JGit.

As a result, the exception error message will no longer mention the
user. Rather than:

 User USER is not authorized to perform OPERATION operation

the message will be:

 Not authorized to perform operation OPERATION on repository REPO

Add a separate debug log that also includes the user name. The git
client tries anonymous HTTP access first, so logging at info or
error level will pollute the logs.

Change-Id: I21921e6e7192934b4d4a4699f030bbdfacd12e5f
2 files changed
tree: e61f7b5939ca67d0052a9a26377e9b7940822270
  1. src/
  2. tools/
  3. .gitignore
  4. bazlets.bzl
  5. BUILD
  6. external_plugin_deps.bzl